Plantar Fasciitis... What's up with that?

Plantar Fasciitis is inflammation of the plantar fascia. The plantar fascia is a band of non-tensile tissue that originates from the heel and inserts in to the toes. The discomfort that people experience from plantar fasciitis is due to microscopic tears and the associated inflammatory processes that irritate the damaged area.

Plantar fasciitis is commonly associated with long periods of weight bearing and an increased body mass index. In the more athletic population subtle changes such as altering your footwear, improper running biomechanics and a recent change in training intensity or training surface can lead to plantar fasciitis.

Plantar fasciitis is typically described as a pain in the on the bottom of the foot, either in the mid portion or at the origin by heel. It is commonly most painful in the morning or after long periods of rest, this is due to the micro tears slowly repairing and tightening up, and therefore the first few steps can irritate these areas.

Your GP or Physiotherapist can normally diagnose plantar fasciitis with a good subjective and physical examination. In some cases we will use ultrasound scans or X-rays to confirm a diagnosis.

Due to the poor blood supply to the plantar fascia it can take up to 12 months to heal. Initial treatment would consist of soft tissue release work in to your gastrocnemius, soleus and the plantar fascia. We would also give you stretches to lengthen out these tissues to complement our release work. Finally we would give you exercises to strengthen your Tibialis Posterior muscle and the intrinsic foot flexor muscle group to aid offloading the plantar fascia.

What can you do at home? 
➢ Don’t walk barefooted on hard, non-forgiving surfaces. 
➢ Anti-inflammatory medication
➢ Rest your foot
➢ Arch support and heel cups

Does any of this sound familiar? If so contact our team for an initial consultation now!


Medial tibial stress syndrome, or as we all know, SHIN SPLINTS

Medial tibial stress syndrone, or MTSS is a pathology that is presented as pain down the front of the shinbone, otherwise known as the tibia. The reason we experience pain along here is due to inflammation of the periosteum, this being connective tissue covering the surface of the tibia.

MTSS is associated with a multitude of factors, such as:

> ‘Flat’ feet or over pronation .
> A recent change in footwear.
> Training in poorly supportive footwear.
> Increased body weight.
> Changing your normal training environment, for example from cross-country running to road running. 
> An increase in training frequency and intensity.

MTSS is normally associated with an initial dull ache, followed by a more sharp and acute pain if activity isn’t ceased. It is vital to not run through the pain, as this will just increase the body response to inflame the area.

Your GP or Physiotherapist can normally diagnose MTSS with a good subjective and physical examination. In some cases we will use ultrasound scans to confirm a diagnosis.

Management of MTSS consists of modifying the activities that lead to inflammation of the periosteum. This is normally a combined approach of soft tissue massage, altering biomechanics, strength training vital areas, foot correction, strapping/taping and a gradual assisted return to activity. An estimated time for getting back to activity can range from 3-8 weeks dependent on the severity.

What can you do at home?
==> Purchase supportive trainers as recommended by your Physiotherapist
==> Ice regularly 
==> Anti-inflammatory medication
==> Stretching of your gastrocnemius and soleus
==> Avoid high impact activity such as running.

Does any of this sound familiar? If so contact our team for an initial consultation now!

Is Paracetamol always the answer?

The BBC recently formulated a report discussing the true effects of paracetamol regarding the reduction of lower back pain. The report concluded, the effects of paracetamol are clinically insignificant and that exercise should be used to keep symptoms at bay.

Remember, if you are suffering with lower back pain, seek a Physiotherapist to aid your pain! 

A team at the University of Sydney assessed data from 13 drug trials involving more than 5,000 patients. They concluded that paracetamol was “ineffective” at reducing back pain.
Physical activity is probably a better and more effective way of keeping the pain of arthritis and joint pain at bay than taking currently available painkillers

Patellofemoral pain syndrome, OUCH!!!!

Patellofemoral pain is defined as pain behind and around the patella, otherwise known as the knee cap, and tends to be caused by an increased pressure or stress applied to the patellofemoral joint (PFJ). PFJ syndrome seems to initiate due to a number of factors, normally a result from an interaction between intrinsic anatomy and external training factors.

The pain often occurs due to 3 main reasons:

=> Abnormal forces applied to the patella
=> Prolonged repetitive compression of the PFJ such as sitting from prolonged periods
=> Excessive shearing between the patella and the femur

PFJ syndrome seems to be more common in adolescents and young adults, but it can affect all ages. It tends to be diagnosed more frequently in people actively participating regularly in sports.

Potential factors exposing people to PFJ syndrome are:

=> Overuse of the knee
=> Poor alignment of the knee, especially when partaking in sporting activity
=> Foot pathology or problems, such as pes planus (flat feet)
=> Joint hypermobility
=> Poor muscular strength/endurance surrounding the associated hip and knee

PFJ syndrome can be diagnosed by your Physiotherapist, via several specific questions and numerous physical tests. Management of this includes a combination approach, including strength and conditioning, mobilisations, manipulation, gait re-education and sport specific analysis.

What can you do at home?

=>Wear supportive trainers that compliment your foot biomechanics
=>Ice regularly
=>Anti-inflammatory medication
=>Avoid periods of prolonged sitting

Does any of this sound familiar? If so contact our team for an initial consultation now!

The one, the only, lower back pain... Good grief!

So, it's time to turn our attention to items slightly more Physio! 

Lower back pain, where do we start! Lower back pain is certainly a hot topic in the current world of healthcare professionals, because of the difficulty and unpredictability that lower back pain can sometimes cause.

There are many different types of back pain, with varying primary causes. But the one we are going to briefly look into today is the back pain symptoms that we in the clinic see day to day, normally caused from a sudden increase in activity.... In this case running!

As aforementioned, there are numerous reasons for why we experience back pain, therefore I'm not going to get in to the nuts and bolts, as it can become confusing, and somewhat misguiding! But what I will say is that the problems arise when you notice postural descrepencys, poor technique and in come cases, increased anxiety.

So the symptoms, the symptoms vary from a deep, numbing toothache, to a sharp sudden acute pain. Both of these symptoms tend to suggest different pathology, but in most cases are treated in a similar fashion. If you start to experience bladder and bowel issues or numbness in your private regions, it is vital you seek urgent medical attention.

Things you can do at home:

=>Core exercises
=>Try to complete regular low impact exercise.
=>Apply heat as often as you feel necessary. I tend to recommend a hot water bottle, as deep heat can lead to skin irritation.

Do I need a scan? In most cases, NO! Many studies have proven that there is no correlation between back pain and what is shown on a scan of the spine. Many people have disc bulges and degeneration yet experience no pain, therefore, it is relatively very normal.

What will we do in Physiotherapy? The team at Catalyst Physiotherapy use a combined approach, while keeping up to date with the most evidence based and current research to date. This involves spinal mobilisations, manipulation, massage, core exercises and a gradual return to activities.

Does this sound familiar? If so contact one of the team for further advice!

25% until the end of July!!

To celebrate our opening this month, we are offering 25% off your first appointment in July! To book contact a member of the team on, or phone our provisional phone number 07738084955. 

Come and say hello to the team, and experience first hand the high quality care of Catalyst Physiotherapy.

Exciting news!!

After weeks of hard work and planning, Catalyst Physiotherapy is finally ready to open its door on Monday the 13th of July. Working in partnership with the Park Health club, we can bring you a modern Physiotherapy clinic, with the ability to provide clinical excellence! 

We are currently using a mobile number as the main contact, this is 07738084955 but this will be changing in the immediate future. 

If you have any aches, pain or queries, book in today with one our our highly skilled Chartered Physiotherapists for an initial assessment!